Fellows of the future
Thank you for registering and/or joining us for the Fellows of the Future programme. Below are the slides, activity sheet, Fellow assessment rubric and recording from the webinars.
Module 1: What is a BCS Fellow, is it me?
You can find the activity sheet referenced in the recording further down this page.
Module 2: Which criteria should I choose?
You can find the activity sheet referenced in the recording further down this page.
Module 3: Writing a quality application
You can find the activity sheet and Fellowship assessment rubricreferenced in the recording further down this page.
Fellows of the Future activity sheet and assessment rubric
This worksheet helps to support the activities throughout the Fellows of the Future programme. To help you keep all your activities in one place, here's a template for each activity you'll be doing during the modules. The assessment rubric is used by the FBCS (Fellow of the BCS) membership assessors when assessing the application of a potential Fellow to ensure all Fellow applications are assessed consistently.